Chimonocalamus pallens seedlings

Fiche de culture des semis
Padawan du Rhizome
Messages : 223
Enregistré le : 11 sept. 2011, 15:24
Plantation : Jardin
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Chimonocalamus pallens seedlings

Message par Tarzan »

During winter I tried growing Chimonocalamus pallens seedlings. They are quite demanding and grow slowly at first, but after they establish, they get crazy. It's up to 8 m high and around 3 cm diameter clumping bamboo. I hope I can get at least one of them see it's potential.
Modifié en dernier par Tarzan le 20 avr. 2013, 23:31, modifié 1 fois.

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Maître Chaume
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Enregistré le : 11 janv. 2013, 16:10
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Re: Chimonocalamus pallens seedlings

Message par morpho »


How many seeds you have sown? At what time? Month and day.
What were the conditions of semi? Temperature, light, etc. ...

Thank you for your answers.

( I used a translator ) :wink:

Padawan du Rhizome
Messages : 223
Enregistré le : 11 sept. 2011, 15:24
Plantation : Jardin
Surface : 50
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Re: Chimonocalamus pallens seedlings

Message par Tarzan »

I planted about 30 or 40 seedlings, some of them were damaged but sprouted anyway. I planted test seedlings (the larger one on photo) on 30. 8. 2012. I kept them inside, protected from late summer sun that was strong enough to kill them. I managed to get 3 seedlings out of 5 seeds, but one of the seedlings decided to die without coming out of the soil and one of them got eaten by a slug. Remaining one is getting vigorous with warmer days and a lot more sun.

Well some of the 30 seedlings in 'round 2' that sprouted on 26. 2. 2013, died right away, some of them are still fighting and there are a couple of seedlings that are doing exceptionally well. Here in our part of Europe, we've had only a couple of weeks of warm and sunny weather, which means all the seedlings were kept under LED light (20W), without normal sun exposure. Now I take them out from time to time, so they can get used to wind and sun exposure. They are doing well. :)

Like with all bamboo seeds, I used wet paper towel method. When sprout emerged, I planted them into plastic cups with drainage holes on the bottom. I used no heating, temperature was around 20C, I used 20 W (cheap chinese from aliexpress Yellow_Hot_Colorz_PDT_03 ) cool white LED bulb. When weather report predicted sunny weather, I placed them behind the window to catch at least some natural light which was almost never this year.

Sorry for English language, I hope translator can do it's job well :)

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Maître Chaume
Messages : 1030
Enregistré le : 11 janv. 2013, 16:10
Plantation : Jardin
Surface : 3600
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Re: Chimonocalamus pallens seedlings

Message par morpho »

Thank you for all that information.

It is good to know of another way to sow and conditions.

Padawan du Rhizome
Messages : 223
Enregistré le : 11 sept. 2011, 15:24
Plantation : Jardin
Surface : 50
Orientation : Sud
Sol : Argileux
A remercié : 16 fois
A été remercié : 65 fois

Re: Chimonocalamus pallens seedlings

Message par Tarzan »

quiconque la culture de cette bambous?


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