a la premiere lecture j'ai cru que c'etait un truc pour faire fleurir les bambous, a la relecture je comprend plutot qu'il sagit d'empecher la floaraison des chaumes.
la recette peut etre utile, je pense

There has been some research done on the flowering and rejuvenation of bamboo in China. Hsiung et al. (1981) report on experiments with P. vivax, which flowered in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces from 1969 to 1976. Their method for fast rejuvenation was to dig up rhizomes (without culms) from the flowering stands and cut them into 30-50 cm sections. These were dipped in a 100 ppm gibberellic acid solution for 5 hours and then buried in a cutting bed. When new shoots emerged, they were sprayed with the solution every two weeks. After 3 months, 36% of the culms from treated rhizomes flowered, while 64% of the culms from untreated controls flowered. After a year, the treated culms produced more normal, non-flowering culms than the controls. Hsiung warns that “ . . . nitrogen fertilizer does not necessarily stop the flowering of bamboo stands, sometimes it tends to retard their rejuvenation.” (3)